italia si italia no italia gnamme, se famo du spaghi?

dal Times
Profile: the irrepressible S.B.
"If there is one word that defines Silvio Berlusconi it is “irrepressible”.
Even if he has won only a narrow election victory, it amounts to a
remarkable comeback for a man written off by his critics as too old (at 71),
too prone to vulgar gaffes, too wedded to vested interests and too dogged by
corruption allegations to be the man chosen by Italians reverse to the
country’s economic and social decline (…)".

S.B. wins third term as italian PM
"…Mr Berlusconi, mocked by the Left for his efforts to disguise his height, age
and receding hairline, has been implicated in a string of corruption
investigations. He ran up a budget deficit equal to 4.4 per cent of gross
domestic product during his last period in office. (…) The next stage, it is rumoured, is for him to stand for election as head of

dal Financial Times del 15 aprile 08
Italy needs reform
"Dismaying though it is that Italy this weekend faces yet another general election,
the prospect that it will return an ineffectual government headed by
Silvio Berlusconi, and staffed by the same, unredeemable caste of
politicians that consistently ducks the challenges the country can no
longer afford to evade, is profoundly depressing. (…) Italy is in relative decline.
It is sinking under a bloated public sector, over-regulation and
crumbling infrastructure. Its traditional comparative advantage in
manufacturing is being sorely tested. It needs determined structural
reform of the economy and political renewal. It does not look like it
will get them.

il video, Mario Monti "…business alone cannot change Italy"

da Le Monde del 15 aprile 08
Italie: Silvio Berlusconi obtient une large victoire aux legislatives
"Le conservateur Silvio Berlusconi a obtenu, lundi 14 avril, un troisième
mandat de président du Conseil, avec une majorité plus forte que prévu.
Son adversaire de centre-gauche, Walter Veltroni, a reconnu sa défaite
à l’issue des élections organisées dimanche et lundi. "J’ai appelé
le dirigeant du Peuple de la liberté, Silvio Berlusconi, afin de
reconnaître sa victoire et lui souhaiter bonne chance dans ses
, a déclaré M. Veltroni, ancien maire de Rome, aux journalistes, devant le siège de son parti".

de Le Monde
Le retour de Berlusconi?
"La recomposition en cours du paysage politique a cependant un prix : le
retour aux affaires du "Cavaliere", l’homme le plus riche d’Italie,
dont les turpitudes ont échappé aux magistrats les plus pugnaces. Ce
n’est une bonne nouvelle ni pour l’Italie ni pour l’Europe. Chaque fois
qu’il a occupé le Palazzo Chigi, Silvio Berlusconi a fait honte à ses
concitoyens et entravé l’intégration européenne. Il risque d’en aller
de même si les Italiens, en toute liberté, lui accordent demain une
majorité, aussi ténue soit-elle."

da El Pais del 15 aprile 08
B. logra su tercer mandado

“Será una legislatura distinta a la de 2001”, declaró anoche Berlusconi
en televisión desde su villa milanesa. “Daré menos espacio al teatrito
de la política y de las televisiones. Aplicaré una política exterior
diferente; no haré conferencias de prensa y no leeré los periódicos que
obviamente tomarán posición contra mí. Quiero esforzarme y ser el
estadista que cambie el país”.
A juicio del prestigioso politólogo Giovanni Sartori, se trata de un
resultado poco sorprendente: “Veltroni ha hecho una campaña pésima y
blanda, y lo ha pagado”, comentó a este diario. (…) Berlusconi se verá muy
condicionado por la Liga. (…) La razón fundamental de la victoria de Berlusconi es que es un
político muy hábil y un actor muy bueno que controla los medios de
comunicación”, añade Sartori. “Lo sorprendente es que la izquierda le
haya permitido seguir controlando los medios. En esas condiciones,
ganaría incluso yo”.

dal New York Times- Reuters World
B. sweeps back to the power in Italy election
"…has won his third
Italian election with a bigger than expected swing to the
centre right, but the media magnate said it would not be easy
to solve deep economic problems. (…) He said his priorities were settling the future of
state-controlled Alitalia, which the outgoing administration
was struggling to privatize, and clean up a long-standing
garbage crisis in Naples. (…)  A surprise winner in the election was Berlusconi’s junior
coalition partner, the anti-immigration Northern League which
doubled its result over the 2006 election to around 8 percent. That result will help strengthen Berlusconi’s majority, but
analysts said it might give the League ‘kingmaker’ powers. (…) Berlusconi promised the League at least two cabinet seats.
The election win means Berlusconi, an ally of U.S.
President George W. Bush, will host the third G8 summit of his
career when the leaders meet in Italy in 2009. (…) Berlusconi said he wanted Franco Frattini, currently in
charge of justice and security policy at the European
Commission, for foreign minister and that Gianfranco Fini, his
last foreign minister, would preside over the lower house of
parliament. Giulio Tremonti is likely to be named economy minister,
Berlusconi has said."

giornali tedeschi (non conosco la lingua), ma questo mi sembra interessante…e anche questo (con una bellissima foto gadget, il Putin Quiz e la coppia Sarko/ò-Bruni (o Brunì).

L’informazione genera pensiero. A volte solo immagine. Quindi, commenti dai quotidiani stranieri. Buona lettura

  • coniglio |

    io ho vinto il “premio zimbello” 2008/2013

  • mauro |

    ho ovviamente subito la legge della fisica classica, che prevede che un corpo immerso in aria tenda verso il basso. per fortuna, ho sempre il mio mondo di superpoteri. peccato non essere un supereroe…

  • Luca Tremolada |

    mazza che drago…ma hai vinto o hai peso?

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